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Everyone is pleasantly surprised when something works better than expected. When that occurs, it gives us a sense that we’re doing something right. It’s a strong indicator that the work we do every day is paying off.
When there are medical concerns surrounding a child, there’s talk of what a child will be able to do, and what kind of progress parents can expect. Although medical professionals generally make diagnoses and recommendations based on their experiences, children surpass expectations every day. Parents once told that their child would never communicate have done so with, and without, assistance. People with disabilities have written books, painted murals, served in the military, completed college, and are parents themselves.
Some barriers are not caused by inner struggles, but by the confines others place upon an individual with a disability. Erasing stereotypes, thwarting abuse, creating awareness, and inviting acceptance are strong steps towards toppling the constraints that bind.
Barriers are constructs of the mind, obstacles to access and roadblocks to participation and full inclusion. If we perceive and approach them differently, evolution begins.