CP Activities and Events

We have things to do, places to see, ideas to consider, habits to repeat, and curiosity to cure. Sound like fun? You bet. Come join us as we explore hobbies, activities, interests, collectibles, sports, leisure, recreation, community, travel, fun, and more. Follow TheCPBlog.org for updates.

Handicap This! Improvise, adapt and overcome

Have you ever wondered how to dispel notions that a person with Cerebral Palsy is somehow different than a person that doesn’t have the condition? That’s the focus of 71-minute show called, Handicap This! Friends and associates, Mike Berkson (the friend with Cerebral Palsy) and Tim Wambach (the friend without) are on a cross-country journey to explore the serious issues – punctuated by the comical ones – that occur when one buddy has Cerebral Palsy. In doing so, they peel away at the layers of preconceived – and sometimes ill-conceived – notions about disability.
