Posted: September 1, 2015
When a child is diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy, parents commonly begin mapping out what it means for their child’s future. Though a few symptoms may be evident at an early age or, more likely, when developmental milestones have been missed, your child’s CP will be a lifelong journey. Limiting the extent of your child’s challenges for the years to come requires early intervention, but also a clear understanding of the family that Cerebral Palsy requires ongoing work to create the best plan for your child.
For children with Cerebral Palsy, the initial focus is often on reaching basic levels of functioning. Accessing effective therapy to do this is crucial, and this can be achieved through a variety of methods. Options include those provided by insurance, exercises/stretches that can be done at home, as well as additional medical recommendations made by your child’s pediatrician. It cannot be stated enough how important starting early with these measures is for your child’s development; beginning to ‘retrain’ your child’s muscles and brain to adapt around existing symptoms for better future results is crucial..
As your child ages, development is still a focus but not the only factor to focus on. While Cerebral Palsy impacts children in different ways, many living with CP are able to go to school and pursue an education. How effective this education is depends upon close communication between parents and education professionals, whether through an IEP (Individualized Education Program) and/or clear discussion of goals, challenges and more. What’s more, options exist for assistive technology and supplemental education components that can help bolster your child’s success and progress, from Kindergarten to Graduation and on into the future.
Helping your child pursue options surrounding working or higher education is a great goal for the entire family as it speaks to your child’s personal success. Connecting with programs that aim to make these goals possible for young adults with special needs is something that can greatly impact the future. Starting early at preparing for specific goals, like skills training, future employment and more is important because it helps avoid being locked out of programs, or receiving diminished assistance.
Special needs parents spend the better part of two decades, at minimum, being the most influential part of their child’s success. Cerebral Palsy is not universal and many kids with CP are fortunate enough to grow into adults that live away from home and pursue their own pursuits. There are a variety of programs that exist to connect adults with resources aimed at independent or group housing, as well as assistance for transportation and more. Ultimately, it’s important for parents to understand that resources do exist, in one form or another, across the age spectrum for those with special needs.
But how do parents access these resources for children, young adults and adults with Cerebral Palsy? Connect with us today. Whether through downloading one of our eBooks available on our Facebook Page, while connecting with parents just like you in one of our daily discussions, or by calling us at (800) 692-4453(800) 692-4453 FREE, our care team looks to help however they can. If time is limited and you would prefer to plan your call ahead, you can fill out our contact form to have a team member call at your convenience.
Being a parent of a child with Cerebral Palsy can be difficult. Our goal is to ensure you understand you have a partner for life in the MyChild team aimed at helping your child find success, in whatever awesome form that comes now and in the future.