Recent Advances in Assistive Technology
Posted: June 4, 2020
Learn more about the power of assistive technology for children with Cerebral Palsy, including recent important developments for kids with special needs.
Posted: June 4, 2020
Learn more about the power of assistive technology for children with Cerebral Palsy, including recent important developments for kids with special needs.
Posted: May 31, 2016
Much to your child’s delight, the school year is coming to an end. For children in grade school, there’s still plenty of school to come but the summer represents a momentary escape. For you, as a parent, it can mean a number of things: trips, planning, summer activities and more. Before you get too distracted planning for summer, though, there are some things to consider regarding your child’s school year and the one to come. We have a few suggestions to serve as a thought starter for your ‘end of year’ analysis so that the next school year can be an even bigger success for your child!
Posted: May 10, 2016
An Individualized Education Program (IEP) can be a critical part of a child with special needs’ academic success. While an IEP is often a complicated plan (and process) due to the variety of team members involved, it can also open new doors of opportunity. While most people understand that an IEP can help with issues like time allotted for testing or overcoming communication problems, as well as addressing general learning difficulties, this plan can also help in ways you may have never considered.
Posted: May 2, 2016
Use the seasonal shift to improve your child's options and care efforts through your own spring cleaning. Check out our six tips for helpful improvements within your more obvious spring efforts!
Posted: March 30, 2016
Getting your child the education he or she deserves is a top priority for parents. Optimizing your child's IEP through planning ahead, while also reviewing the previous school year(s) is a great way to make next year even better!