Alternative Devices for Children with Special Needs

Everyday life can be hard, especially for those who have special needs. It may be difficult to grip certain items, enjoy a meal, use technology, or even just communicate. There are so many devices out there that will help ease the challenges. Alternative devices can help make life a little easier and help children or adults with special needs communicate better. In this post, we will discuss the purpose of alternative devices and provide some everyday examples.

Alternative devices are items that can be used to help assist or replace something else. Why should someone use an alternative device? It will help make life easier and may even let certain individuals gain some independence back. For someone who has a hard time holding silverware, just being able to feed himself or herself is a victory and can increase confidence.

There are alternative devices that will make meal times go a little smoother. Items like easy-grip silverware, cups with large handles, suction based bowls and plates, can help an individual be more independent. Letting someone be independent by providing them the tools they need to even eat will help boost confidence. To see more dining aids, click here.

Alternative devices can make communicating needs and emotions easier. There is a wide range of augmentative and alternative communication devices that can help assist communicating for those who can’t find the means to express themselves (for more information on AAC, click here). Simpler devices like pencils with thick grips or straps for pencils can make communicating through writing easier. Giving someone the devices that will foster communication can create a closer bond for those involved in the individual’s daily life.

Now that technology is a huge part of life, there are alternate devices for computers. Devices can include touch screens, large keyboards, mouse and switches. These devices are made for individuals with low visual and motor skills. Having a computer device can add independence and freedom for those with special needs.

Overall, alternative devices are made to make everyday life easier for people touched by special needs. Devices ranging from dining, communicating, and technology can ease the challenges people may face and bring back independence and freedom. It is important to allow special needs individuals to feel confidence and independent and alternative devices may be able to help with that.

If you have any questions about Cerebral Palsy or alternative devices that may help your child with CP, don’t hesitate to call us at (800) 692-4453(800) 692-4453 FREE or fill out our contact form on Facebook or our website.
