CP Information

Information opens doors and opportunities, it empowers and confirms. Information is the key to learning what works and what doesn’t in the lives of individuals touched by cerebral palsy. From the information about cerebral palsy, to topics such as home modifications, treatments and therapies, pain management, special education dispute resolution, hot tips and more – we have some insights to share on our cerebral palsy blog.

Frankie’s World

special needs, childcare, daycare

Finding a daycare that fits your desires can be a struggle for many parents of children with special needs. A daycare center in Philadelphia is changing up the game when it comes to child care services and other organizations need to take note. 

What is Baclofen and a Baclofen Pump?

cerebral palsy, baclofen, baclofen pump

If your child suffers from severe spasticity due to their Cerebral Palsy, baclofen might be a suitable treatment option. Baclofen is medicine used to treat muscle symptoms that accompany Multiple Sclerosis and Cerebral Palsy. Electric signals from your nerves instruct when to tense up and when to relax your muscles. This becomes abnormal when the nerves are damaged. This causes spasticity, ending with muscles not working as well as they should. Baclofen is a medicine that restores the signals back to normal allowing muscles to work properly.

Horses for Therapy: How It Works

horse therapy, hippotherapy, cerebral palsy

Hippotherapy, also known as horse therapy can be an effective therapy solution for special needs children. It can help with a wide range of intellectual disabilities, language disorders and sensory processing disorders. The therapy has been known to be a much more successful than working in a clinical setting. 
