Winter Help for Children with Cerebral Palsy

With the change in seasons come new challenges for parents of children with Cerebral Palsy. Whether it’s the logistics of transportation, difficulties with bills or keeping a child active while being forced indoors, there is a wide spectrum of hurdles for families with CP in their lives.

Here are just some of the resources the MyChild team at has available for families of children with Cerebral Palsy that are facing challenges this winter:

Energy Bill Assistance – With a change in the temperature comes a change in heating bills. Those families who would benefit from assistance on their energy bills can contact the team for qualified information that can help avert crisis or financial struggle.

Awareness – Any time family comes together, there is the potential for expanded awareness about a child’s condition and better understanding to come of it. If you would like to provide family members a thorough overview of what Cerebral Palsy is and how it impacts children, request our Cerebral Palsy Starter Kit, which goes over clinical definitions, care plans, governmental benefits, early intervention and more!

Gifts – While we have highlighted some options involving gifts, including adaptive bicycles, there are a number of websites and organizations dedicated to making accessible offerings for the holidays for children with Cerebral Palsy. Taking the guesswork out of this can be extremely helpful for family members looking for the right gift, as well as to avoid fly-by-night companies who provide poor quality products.

School Programs – As the semester wraps up, you may be realizing that current efforts by your child’s school are inadequate. This can include nutrition, your child’s IEP, or even his or her special education program. By jumping on this issue now, you may be able to impact the second half of the school year and future efforts. The MyChild team at has state-specific Special Education kits available for families looking for more information about improving education provided for their children with Cerebral Palsy.

Support – For those questions we don’t have answers for, MyChild often relies on our wonderful community on Facebook for suggestions and real-life advice. If you haven’t already added us, do so today and feel free to send us a message with any question or request you might have!

The only reason that we do not have these assets online is that they are often unique to specific regions of the country and because there are a variety of related components that require awareness of a family’s unique situation. To have a team member email you these assets, simply call (800) 692-4453 to speak with a MyChild representative dedicated to providing parents of children with Cerebral Palsy the help they need!
