A handprint can be more than just art for a parent. Serving as a permanent marker of your child’s size, a handprint design is a time capsule surrounding the holidays. It can also, though, be a simple and easy way to get your child involved in the holiday and craft-making spirit! With just a... Read More
Thanksgiving is a fun, great time to bring the family together. A family that has a child with special needs may have a harder time figuring out how to get that child involved. The child may feel left out and unimportant to the task of getting ready for the holiday. With a couple simple... Read More
There are many forms of bullying and there are many signs that can indicate bullying. It is important to look out for signs, especially for special need’s children. They may not understand what is truly happening or they might not have a way to tell someone about it. Either way, a child should... Read More
Children love decorating and seeing their pieces being on displayed. When a child has limited mobility, they may have a harder time participating in decorating and start feeling left out. It is essential that there are things that they can help out with so they can feel included. Something as... Read More
Yoga is becoming more popular every day – not just for adults, but for children as well. Perhaps more important, for special needs children, it can be used as an alternative therapy. Yoga can help increase concentration, flexibly, and strength. It can also develop coordination and reduce stress... Read More
Thanksgiving is right around the corner and we want to help you get your family into the holiday spirit! Continuing our series of fun craft ideas that can allow your family, regardless of ability, to jump into Thanksgiving and help decorate, our latest craft is the Paper-Roll Turkey! Have a look... Read More
We like to use this blog as a channel to communicate with parents of children with Cerebral Palsy. While CP unfortunately touches far too many families every day, there are exponentially more friends and family impacted. This is why Cerebral Palsy awareness is so important: spreading the word... Read More
One of the fun things children love to do is make crafts! The feeling of empowerment and pride once it is on display can be amazing for a child’s self esteem, and for you as a parent. Helping a child with special needs be a part of craft fun is one of our goals, which is why we have put together... Read More
Our final craft suggestion is another great way to capture your child’s size and age in a memorable way this Halloween holiday season! Our craft uses your child’s handprints for a spooky bat design that easily goes alongside those of other family members, while also... Read More