Having a bit of fun this Halloween shouldn’t require a ton of skill, time or money! Our fun-for-all Halloween craft series is aimed at providing simple crafts that you can tackle with children of a variety of ages to not only boost confidence but jump into the holiday spirit! Our latest craft is... Read More
Halloween is a time where children get to dress up and be ‘something else,’ all at a time where parents treasure who they are right now! Crafts can involve various quality and difficulty levels based upon the child’s age, but crafts that create a permanent record of the child’s size are... Read More
A time-honored part of Halloween is the pumpkin! Whether carved or merely decorated, pumpkins are a staple of this holiday and are often personalized by children based upon their interests and more. Unfortunately, the process of carving a pumpkin may not be possible for some children with... Read More
When you manage a community the size of ours, you’re bound to draw comments and opinions that feature a wide spectrum of opinions. While some posts have, quite honestly, shocked us in their animosity toward parents of children with special needs (another reason... Read More
As a child with Cerebral Palsy, your son or daughter may be facing a wide assortment of challenges: emotional and/or physical. Being able to engage with your child on a daily task can be rewarding as your ability to multi-function expands (something every parent appreciates!) Cooking is just one... Read More
While the holidays are supposed to be a time of excitement, happiness and relaxation, parents of a child with special needs also know there is a lot more to it when navigating the holidays. Whether it involves tackling the logistics of traveling, trying to find menu options that accommodate... Read More
The holidays can be a challenging time due to the pressure put on making each moment as happy and wonderful as possible. Coming at a time of the year in which the weather can be a challenge, school poses its own complications, finances as a possible concern (Gifts! Utilities! Vehicle Health!... Read More
As your child gets older, their desire to find independence and take on tasks will grow. Whether this is effectively possible or not, the desire to take on everyday activities or needs, in turn, highlights potential gaps in your child’s emotional and physical abilities. Helping your child manage... Read More
A lot has been said about the gap that exists surrounding awareness and sensitivity from the general public toward the special needs community. Breaking down barriers between understanding and compassion, much less advocacy, is a critical goal of our organization, which is why we are such big... Read More
Did you know World Cerebral Palsy Day is a thing? You probably didn’t, likely because so little public communication exists surrounding CP as a condition, much less days and events associated with it. Despite significant advances in technology and medicine, extensive gaps still exist in the... Read More